March Specials


Call during March to book your wedding, and get a FREE 11x14 print added to your wedding package!

(25 minute session, includes disc of all high resolution images with portrait release)

(45 minute session, includes disc of high resolution images with portrait release, 2-3 clothing changes)

(45 minute couples session, includes disc of all high resolution images with portrait release, 2-3 clothing changes)

In order to take advantage of these blog specials, you must mention them when you contact us. These specials do not apply to past sessions or sessions that have already been purchased. You are welcome to prepay for a special this month and use it at a later date. Call today 325-437-7700 or email

Saturday, December 29, 2007

a New Addition...

What an amazing night...yesterday at 4:15pm I received the was time to head to the hospital! Her water had broke two weeks early, and this was to be the birthday of this precious little one:) At 3:23am this tiny babe made his appearance...beautifully. These two were so wonderful, and this momma should get an Oscar! She was absolutely a pro...and her loving husband was there for her all the way. I am so grateful to have been there to capture this new beginning...congratulations you two! What a blessing you now have in your arms...

This is the first "Baby Story Collection" by Cotton Photography. I am so excited to offer this to my clients! You can request as much or little coverage as you wish. Pricing and further information will be posted in the coming weeks.

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The Hills said...

Those are so neat!!! I can hardly wait for our little one to enter the world. That moment is just so special. It makes the whole pregnancy totally worth it. Keep up the GREAT work!!!!

Candace J Banks said...

i can't even begin to tell you how jealous i am!!!! i'm DYING to be in the delivery room with someone!!! unfortunately for me, i don't have any close friends that will let me in there, any have offered to take pics, but so far no takers....way to go, lindsey! candace