March Specials


Call during March to book your wedding, and get a FREE 11x14 print added to your wedding package!

(25 minute session, includes disc of all high resolution images with portrait release)

(45 minute session, includes disc of high resolution images with portrait release, 2-3 clothing changes)

(45 minute couples session, includes disc of all high resolution images with portrait release, 2-3 clothing changes)

In order to take advantage of these blog specials, you must mention them when you contact us. These specials do not apply to past sessions or sessions that have already been purchased. You are welcome to prepay for a special this month and use it at a later date. Call today 325-437-7700 or email

Friday, January 4, 2008

Jackson & Kizer in 2008

Kizer's debue (I wanted to use this word so bad, but have absolutely NO idea how to spell it:)...

It dawned on me today that you haven't met Kizer...he is our 4 year old chihuahua:) Ben and I got him in January of 2004 when he was just weeks old. At the time we had another chihuahua named Koda (we got him in July of 2003), so the two of them became great buddies...well, unfortunately, Koda is no longer with us as of last Spring. So it really brings me great joy that Jackson loves to play outside with Kizer. This was taken yesterday while Jackson was driving his little car around our patio saying "come on 'Tizer', come on." So now you know...there is a four part to our family...Kizer.

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And you know I love my boy, right? He has become my little buddy around the house during the day:) It's no more baby talk...we are now having actual conversations...and he has discovered "negotiating" with the parentals! I know my father, his papa, can't help but beam with pride...after all, he taught me all the tips in successful negotiating:) So, needless to say, Jackson keeps me on my toes...I can never predict what will come out of his mouth:) My boy, my baby, my future salesman:)

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1 comment:

Kristen said...

What a cute little family! :)