March Specials


Call during March to book your wedding, and get a FREE 11x14 print added to your wedding package!

(25 minute session, includes disc of all high resolution images with portrait release)

(45 minute session, includes disc of high resolution images with portrait release, 2-3 clothing changes)

(45 minute couples session, includes disc of all high resolution images with portrait release, 2-3 clothing changes)

In order to take advantage of these blog specials, you must mention them when you contact us. These specials do not apply to past sessions or sessions that have already been purchased. You are welcome to prepay for a special this month and use it at a later date. Call today 325-437-7700 or email

Monday, January 14, 2008

Laura & Dwight - wedding day

Where do I start with the story of this wedding? This wedding was so fun! We kicked of the party Friday night with a rehearsal at the church, and then all headed out to Tye, Texas for a dinner at the Wagon Wheel. There were so many fun elements to the dinner...pinata, line dancing, a wonderful hot meal, costumes (that's right, there dinner was a costume party!) It was fun all around...and I know that is what they were going for:)

Saturday the ladies got there hair done and headed to the church at 3:00 for formal pictures. The wedding was at 5:00, and then we all headed to the Elegante Suites hotel for the reception. Lots of dancing and fun continued until around 10:00pm. A long and fun day...and I am so excited about being able to capture those memories for them to keep for a life time:) This wedding party was a BLAST! They were up for anything and just all had a great time together! Here are just a few favs...

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