Where to begin? Things have obviously not gone according to my plan lately. Many of you have had to reschedule your shoot or viewing, many of you are wondering why it took me 3+ days to return your phone call or email. Well, you can see my previous post for the scoop...we are just now on our road to recovery. That's right, not well, just finally on the right path, I think. Thank you all so much for your patience, and thank you to one in particular for the Chilli you brought me...it was wonderful:) That being said, let's get back to business...
This Friday February 15th, there will be new Wedding Packages. It's that time again, we are making a few changes around here and this is one small step of many to come. Yes, the prices are going to be slightly increased, so if you are considering Cotton Photography for your wedding you might want to call us soon! There are only two Saturdays left this summer, the fall is filling quickly, and we are already booking for 2009!
Moving on...Mark your calander for Sunday February 24th! We are excited to take part in Abilene's Bridal Extraveganza again this year! Anyone planning a wedding anytime in the near future should plan to attend, there are so many different types of vendors all in one location for your convinience! It is a fun time to talk to vendors and get new ideas for your special day. Be sure to stop by and see us if you attend!

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