March Specials


Call during March to book your wedding, and get a FREE 11x14 print added to your wedding package!

(25 minute session, includes disc of all high resolution images with portrait release)

(45 minute session, includes disc of high resolution images with portrait release, 2-3 clothing changes)

(45 minute couples session, includes disc of all high resolution images with portrait release, 2-3 clothing changes)

In order to take advantage of these blog specials, you must mention them when you contact us. These specials do not apply to past sessions or sessions that have already been purchased. You are welcome to prepay for a special this month and use it at a later date. Call today 325-437-7700 or email

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

the Thomas family

This is a special family to me:) When I was a freshman at Abilene High, Jamie was a senior...I thought she was so cool, well she is/was cool...but you know what I mean:) Anyway, she was playing Varsity Basketball, and I was on the JV team, so we traveled with them. She may not remember this, but we were coming back from an out-of-town game and we stopped for dinner. I had what I new to be my first (of many) asthma attacks while getting back on the bus. I had no clue what was going on, but it was scary! Jamie had asthma and new exactly what to then of course I really thought she was cool! Haha:) I'm so excited that we have reconnected, and I look forward to a fun friendship with her when she visits Abilene from time to time:) This is such a beautiful family...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I barely remember the asthma story-- I have a vague recollection of something on the bus! You are so sweet. Seems like such a long time ago! You are so talented and I love your laid back style! You have truly grown into such an amazing woman, mom, wife, and photographer! I'm so blessed to know you and call you friend and Sister. Blessings!