March Specials


Call during March to book your wedding, and get a FREE 11x14 print added to your wedding package!

(25 minute session, includes disc of all high resolution images with portrait release)

(45 minute session, includes disc of high resolution images with portrait release, 2-3 clothing changes)

(45 minute couples session, includes disc of all high resolution images with portrait release, 2-3 clothing changes)

In order to take advantage of these blog specials, you must mention them when you contact us. These specials do not apply to past sessions or sessions that have already been purchased. You are welcome to prepay for a special this month and use it at a later date. Call today 325-437-7700 or email

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Tommy Turtle...and other happenings:)

Several months ago, my dad (Jackson's Pa) came home with a turtle he had found on the highway. (When we were little, every once in awhile, he would bring one home for us to 'take care of' until it 'escaped'.) Jackson and Pa would take care of and feed Tommy Turtle everytime we went to their house. Sunday, it was time to set Tommy free. We took him to a creek behind my parents house to set him free. Jackson seemed okay with this...because "Tommy wanted to go find his Mommy and Daddy." So, here now, the tribute to Tommy Turtle...(from Jackson, of course:)

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Tommy Turtle, before you I stood in awe,

You made life special for me and my Pa.

A little pet to love, God gave us you,

When my Hero, my Pa, came to your rescue.

In the middle of the street, you he did find,

Brought you home to me, to treat you so kind.

Our time has been fun, teaching me of God's little creatures,

I've studied the pattern on your back, and every small feature.

Back into the wild, we took you to find your mommy and daddy,

I know this must make you oh so happy:)

Tommy Turtle, you will be missed, but never forgotten,

Forever about you, I will be talkin'.


Also on Sunday the three of us went to Nelson park to feed the birds and ducks...Jackson was so overwhelmed (I think Ben and I were too) at how many there were...everywhere. We had a good time as a family, enjoying the awesome wheather that we had. Thank you God, what a great way to begin a week:)

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Just for fun!

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1 comment:

Kristen said...

What a fun family day! :)
I love nice weather.